Rwanda is a small African country that should be on everyone’s travel bucket list. It is located just south of the equator and is bordered by Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Rwanda is in the African Great Lakes region, an area known for its abundance of wildlife, beautiful terrain and subtropical climate. Is Rwanda worth visiting? Yes! To help plan your travel itinerary for Rwanda, check out national park information and travel tips from a local expert.

Africa travel guide

Courtesy of Visit Rwanda

There are four national parks in Rwanda: Volcanoes National Park, Akagera National Park, Nyungwe National Park and Gishwati Mukura National Park. These parks offer an ideal habitat for hundreds of animal species, including mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, lions, leopards, rhinoceros, elephants, buffalos, giraffes, zebras and many more. Rwanda is also a hotspot for bird watching with more than 700 known species. Rwanda has the oldest rainforest in Africa, as well as lakes, waterfalls, mountains, valleys and forests.

Rwanda travel guide

Courtesy of Visit Rwanda

Rwanda has the second fastest growing economy in Africa, partly due to tourism and its focus on sustainability and conservation. According to the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, the number of tourist arrivals almost doubled from 2010 to 2014 bringing the annual total to more than 1.2 million people. In 2018, the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) awarded Rwanda with its first Global Leadership Award.

To learn more about traveling in Rwanda, a local expert from the Rwanda Development Board shares information about gorilla trekking, responsible tourism, packing list suggestions and more.

What is Rwanda like?

From the breathtaking landscape to the friendly and welcoming smiles of Rwandans, there is a lot that travelers will get to see when they travel to Rwanda. Known as the land of a thousand hills, Rwanda is blessed with extraordinary biodiversity with incredible wildlife living throughout its volcanoes, montane rainforest and sweeping plains.

Rwanda wildlife guide

Courtesy of Visit Rwanda

In your opinion, what are some common misconceptions about Rwanda?

We are constantly working to change the negative narratives and perspectives by marketing Rwanda as a ‘must visit’ travel destination for business and leisure. We have so much to offer the world. Rwanda has transformed from a nation known for the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis to one vibrating with creativity and innovation.

What animals can be found in Rwanda?

There are many animal species found here. Rwanda is an up-and-coming safari destination with central Africa’s largest protected wetland in the Akagera National Park on the country’s eastern border with Tanzania. Following the reintroduction of lions and rhinos, we are now home to the Big Five. Rwanda is known for its gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park, as well as chimpanzees and other monkey species, including colobus,  golden, L’Hoest’s, owl faced, Dent’s, blue and vervet, among others. Birding is also very popular in Rwanda. We have one of the highest bird counts on the continent despite being one of the smallest countries in Africa.

Is Rwanda Worth Visiting

Courtesy of Visit Rwanda

How many gorillas live in Rwanda? 

At the latest count (year 2020), there are approximately 1,004 mountain gorillas in the wild, with 604 in the Virunga Massif region (Rwanda, Uganda & DRC). Of the 604, over 340 live in Rwanda. Visitors that want to experience gorilla trekking will be with guides who know where to find them in the wild. Visitors get to go on a hike and witness what gorillas are like in their natural habitat. Check out the Visit Rwanda webpage about gorilla tracking for more details.

Rwanda gorilla guide

Courtesy of Visit Rwanda

Can you describe Rwanda’s commitment to responsible tourism?

As guardians of many iconic species, Rwanda is committed to safeguarding their existence, particularly within the four National Parks. We are constantly working to ensure that we can live in sustainable harmony with our environment and have a clean and green mindset. We banned plastic bags in 2008, and our lands are possibly the cleanest in Africa thanks to efforts made in every community throughout Rwanda. Ten percent of the revenue from permits is channeled towards local communities to build schools and health centers, as well as roads. There is a compensation fund for local farmers should wild animals damage their crops, which helps to ensure a peaceful co-existence.

Is Rwanda Worth Visiting

Courtesy of Visit Rwanda

Are there any special events happening in Rwanda this year?

We have many flagship events throughout the year that attract different visitors from around the globe. Most of the events include conferences, sporting events and the annual Kwita Izina ceremony that is held to celebrate Rwanda’s conservation milestones.

Rwandan dance culture

Courtesy of Visit Rwanda

Where can I go to learn more about Rwanda’s cultural heritage?

To learn more about Rwanda’s cultural heritage, travelers can go to museums, including, but not limited to, the King’s Palace and the National Museum in Nyanza. Creativity is something to be celebrated through traditional dance, unique architecture and works of art – our heritage is all around us.

What should I pack for Rwanda?

The dress code in Rwanda is usually informal yet respectful. For example, men tend to wear trousers but shorts are fine, although walking around without a shirt is frowned upon. It’s best to check the weather forecast before arrival but daytime temperatures in Rwanda are generally warm, so bring lots of light clothing, a hat and sunglasses to protect against the sun. A lightweight waterproof jacket may come in handy in the moist mountains. Avoid wearing blue in Akagera National Park, which attracts tse tse flies, and take sensible precautions against mosquitos and other inserts. When tracking gorillas, wear sturdy clothing to protect against stinging nettles and solid walking shoes. Depending on your plans, you may want to consider bringing gardening or leather gloves, as well as gaiters.

Is Rwanda Worth Visiting

Courtesy of Visit Rwanda

Thank you!

To learn more about conservation efforts, check out the following organizations currently working in Rwanda: Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International, the Gorilla Organization, International Gorilla Conservation Programme and Gorilla Doctors and Wildlife Conservation Society.

Check here for practical travel information, such as transportation, accessibility, currency, connectivity, visas and more.

If you enjoyed the Is Rwanda Worth Visiting, check out another article about wildlife.